воскресенье, 2 февраля 2020 г.


If you are a developer or a power user, you know that your palm can crash often, requiring you to perform a paper-clip reset. Since then, it has been commercialized a bit too much and slowed down a lot. Additionally, I am starting a Palm programming page to show various tidbits and silly things that I have learned over the years. My last resort before using Google when I am trying to find some software. Networking EudoraWeb - freeware version 2. Hacks System Extensions X-Master - freeware version 1. mathlib palm

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Two sites with nearly identical names? There is an OS5 version as well. It does nathlib support images and it can not install files from the web.

Beside each link is a description of the software or of the site that I am linking to. You can just tap on the menu bar on the top of the screen instead of finding the silkscreened menu button near the graffiti area. Launchers Launcher III - freeware version 2.

Networking EudoraWeb - freeware version 2. This software pops up a nicer message and automatically restarts your Palm so you don't need to dig around to find that reset pin. Related Links FreewarePalm Great listing of freeware programs. The local copy is the version I had on my Palm when I was told the official site was down.

mathlib palm

It features all standard math functions, 10 memories and braces up to a depth of Good if you need to talk to a router or something in an emergency. It is different than turning off the system sound because you will still get the beeps when alerts pop up and the sound when you hotsync.

Additionally, I mzthlib starting a Palm programming page to show various tidbits and silly things that I have learned over the years.

Astromist, Download page.

The official site is down, so a local copy is available. You might see a bit of my bias in the lists below. Since then, it has been commercialized a bit too much and slowed pslm a lot. It could hold contact information, important dates, any sort of list you can imagine, and more.

One shared copy of these pzlm routines for accurate trig functions means that all of your advanced calculators will not be duplicating the code and leads to a more efficient and better layout of the software. Palm Programming Tips and reference code that can be used to help you write Palm software. Handango My last resort before using Google when I am trying to find some software.

Libraries MathLib - freeware, open source version 1. Decompress them when you want to use them again. Requires MathLib see the Libraries section below.

Selected Links to Free Software for Palm (October 2003)

If you are a developer or a power user, you know that your palm can crash often, requiring you to perform a paper-clip reset. You can find some pre-formatted documents at MemoWare. This hack gathers randomness or "entropy" by recording system events and then uses this entropy to patch Palm OS's SysRandom call to generate high-quality random numbers for any application that needs them.

Mathlob OS Software Rumkin.

mathlib palm

Utilities Backup All - freeware, open source version 1. Repetitive calculations can be executed as a script, even allowing loops and conditional branches. It connects to the web server directly, which means you don't need a proxy server, and it displays text in color, where appropriate.

Palm OS Software

Scrabble was invented in by Alfred Butts, an unemployed architect. The official site was taken down. Based off of the open-source game Patience. These are specially compressed texts that are converted especially for your Palm.

mathlib palm

This one is for use with OS 5 handhelds only. Lets you add popup calculators, better random number generation, and other assorted goodies.

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